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Erin from MD
Informative , humorous , thought provoking. Enjoy listening on my way to work. Thanks

Gary Kirkendall
I appreciate the effort you both go to in order to make therapy more accessible. Your episode on “who sets the agenda” has made a significant difference in how I approach my sessions with my therapist. I am much more willing to bring up hard topics rather than avoiding them. It is liberating. Thank you Dave and Abby, on behalf of all your listeners.

Interesting topic!
Entertaining and educational- keeps my mind active and open to new ideas for my therapy sessions.

Great answer to my question
I have always wondered whose responsibility it is to bring up tough topics -- your podcast really helped me understand that it's mostly mine. Thanks for bringing clarity to an issue that for me was decidedly unclear. Nice that you are back on the air!

Can't get enough!
This is one of the most entertaining and fun podcasts around! Abby and Dave are both extremely charismatic and funny. They never fail to make me laugh. This is one of the few podcasts where I actively look forward to the next episode coming out.

Call these psychiatrists
Interesting and informative show! Reminds me of growing up in the 90’s and listening to Loveline. Great breakdown of the show The Patient.

Amazing Resource
I live with so much stress and anxiety and I really need THERAPY like a LOT. I went on reddit and searched up therapy and this podcast came up so I clicked on it and now I love it❤️

Engaging and helpful topics
Your show has helped me so much in my therapy journey. Sometimes I think of you and find the courage to “talk to my therapist” about the hardest things. I would very much appreciate an episode on attachment styles — it’s a confusing topic. Keep doing what you do best either way !! Thank you. Also, I love the clever unicorn graphics.

A treat for fellow therapists
I really enjoy listening to this dynamic duo on my drive to work. Thank you! I discuss your show with my supervision group and clients. It’s helped refine my personal approach to therapy.

Wish I discovered this podcast long ago
Dave and Abby are so helpful! They have a terrific dynamic together and make situations easy to understand. This is the kind of podcast that when you start listening to it, you wish you had discovered it long ago. One suggestion: Would love to hear you review Freud's Last Session. Would be fun to her your take.

Great show for new therapists
I’ve just discovered this podcast (recommended on Reddit) and I thoroughly enjoy it. Thank you for sharing how you approach our profession. Would love to hear how more about how you both got started and why you stay in the field.

Delighted you agreed
It has been a long while since I wrote to you, but your answer was worth the wait. I feel less guilty about my decision to leave my therapist. Hearing you say he should own up to his decision to change our relationship made me literally cheer out loud. Thank you, thank you. I wish I lived in Colorado so I could see one of you.

Helping me cope
I found your podcast after searching for resources about how to cope with the death of your therapist. It is devastating to lose someone you care so much about. Your compassion to your caller touched my heart. I'm not sure how to recover, or if I can, but knowing I'm not alone has made a difference. Thank you for the thoughtful, touching discussion.

Thanks for the validation
I can't tell you how nice it was to learn that it's ok to not want to be hugged/touched by your therapist. As a person who experienced CSA, I'm more than a little bit leery of physical touch, especially by a person of authority. Thanks for saying that therapists should uphold these boundaries.

Improved my therapy
I’ve listened to many episodes of your show, and if I’ve taken one thing away, it’s given me the courage to ask my therapist more questions. In the past I saw them as an authority figure who would dole out information a spoonful at a time. Now I understand it is my responsibility to participate as well. Thank you. It’s changed my therapy for the better.

Always look forward to it!
I could listen to Dave and Abby all day. I am a new therapist and I appreciate that I learn from them each episode. I like the way they thoughtfully work through problems. You can’t underestimate how it feels to confirm your own intuition and say Aha, I’m on the right track. Thanks for leading the way.

Your show feels real to me. I love the intelligence, transparency, and care that are shining brightly through these episodes so far. What a gift to us increase our psychological understanding. Keep up the good work.

Your show feels real to me. I love the intelligence, transparency, and care that are shining brightly through these episodes so far. What a gift to us increase our psychological understanding. Keep up the good work.

Thanks for answering my question
I so appreciate you taking your time to answer my question about my desire to be a favored client. It was a relief to hear that some of my concerns are justified, while others likely have to do with my past. Great food for thought. I'm going to talk to my therapist next week about the time issue -- it really bothers me. I'll let you know what happens next. Keep up the great work -- really enjoy your pod.

The Best!
I’m so addicted to this show! Dave and Abby address such thought provoking topics. I have learned so much and so many of my friends and clients have been at the receiving quite a bit of my enlightenment. Thank you for helping me become a better clinician, husband, father, and man. Keep them coming!

Heartfelt & Informative Show
I learned a lot from your episode today about cancellations, ongoing long-term therapy and psychoanalysis, and the monetary value your time. As a patient considering psychoanalysis, it's helpful to hear views from the other side of the couch. Thank you for your transparency and heartfelt feedback.

I'm on Team Sarah
Loved the show today and the way you thought through the crowdsourcing problem. I'm with Abby - run away as fast as you can. Thanks for adding some levity and wisdom to my day.

Valuable resource! - thank you!
This podcast makes me want to be a better therapist and a better human. I am new to the field and understand we are entrusted with the care of our patients and it's such a privilege to walk with them through their story. It's clear that Dave and Abby understand this and approach their patients with a tender and compassionate approach. Thank you for the time and effort to share this with others. We are listening.

Great topic and discussion
I really enjoyed today's episode about Interpretations in therapy. Thank you for talking about the experience from both sides of the couch. Next time I'm feeling resistant to my therapist and their input, I'll remember this episode.

Great topic and discussion
I really enjoyed today's episode about Interpretations in therapy. Thank you for talking about the experience from both sides of the couch. Next time I'm feeling resistant to my therapist and their input, I'll remember this episode.
I love this podcast. Dave and Abby took their time to answer my question and help me out with a difficult therapy situation. I feel better already.

Christopher Mitchell
As a therapist in training I want to share how much I learn from your show. Your thoughtful answers -- and your humorous exchanges --give me a good sense of a patient oriented practice. Can't wait to hear more next year.

New and hooked!
What a refreshing and honest conversation. Even though the hosts seem to wonder at times about the value of being vulnerable, they are out there trying it. Kudos from a new listener. I'm going to tune in more.

Great birthday show!
I wanted to take a moment and say thank you for creating such an impactful podcast! You are making a difference for me and many others.

Love your show!
I'm a loyal listener and have benefitted from hearing your honest, funny, and thoughtful take on what happens in the therapy room. I am excited to listen to your anniversary show and hearing more from Dave and Abby and learning more about your podcast.